What is real right beginning?

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Fundamental Truth

It is clear In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth is the 1ST WORD

The earth was without form and void, and darkness was up on the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was moving over the faceoff water. It is thesecond word.

We no one can able to understand how long times it takes between these two days.

Then next, God said,” Let there be lighting”

So for any one of us getting lighting is the foremost event in our life.

Who is light?Where it comes from? The answer is ‘JESUS CAME FROM HEAVEN’ says “I am the light”. He is already there in the beginning. He is the beginning of beginning. Read more…

The Real Gods’ blessings and the Living waters

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Fundamental Truth

The Real Gods’ blessings and the Living waters…

Bless others and you will be blessed..

Forgive others and you will be forgiven…

Give and it will be given unto you…

Be merciful and you will receive mercy…

There is no end without a start?

You can’t see unless you open your eye..

Without knowing how we can be following ….

For this is the love of God that we keep His commandment..

And His commandments are not burdensome…1 John:5.3

Please spare some time for your own eternity…

This is the  Real picture of Gods’ blessing..

And the living water…

In the beginning……

God blessed them (Adam & his wife Eve) and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in the number; fill the earth and subdue it GEN:1-28

And….The LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;  but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Read more…

What is sin in the presence of LORD

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Fundamental Truth

All the disobedient to God’s wards are simply sin.

The wages of sin is death. Romans.  6:23

He who commits sin is of the devil: for the devil has sinned from beginning…No one born of GOD Commits sin.., He cannot sin because he is born of GOD 1 JOHN3:8

For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there is a no longer remains a sacrifice for sin, but a fearful prospect of judgment and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries       HEBREWS 10:26 Read more…

What is the real Representation of a Spiritual person

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Fundamental Truth

He does not desire anything or anyone other than God in earth or in heaven
(Ps. 73:25).

Let us see few people from the Scriptures.


Gehazi (Who would have taken over and ordain be the next to Eliza). Eliza is the helper to Elijah. Gehazi is the helper to Eliza. He is to be supposed to next Eliza

Judas Iscariot, who was one of the apostles of Jesus, took care of all the financial work in the Ministry (Jesus and the twelve apostles). They do not follow any other God’s neither did they follow the earthen. Read more…

What is the real perfect love?

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Fundamental Truth

In the first situation (Mary Magdalene)

They put her in front of the crowd.

“Teacher they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the very act of adultery. ..

Jesus said “All right, stone her, .But let those who have never sinned throw the first stone”

Finally, Jesus said, doesn’t even one of them condemn you?”

Here, the only one person (Jesus) who have never sinned. Read more…

What is the real repentance?

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Fundamental Truth

Real repentance is of two types,

1.       A person when tempts to be sinned, repents immediately and comes out of it. Thereby he gets God’s favor.

2.       A person, who commits a sin, then realizes it is a sin and then repents for doing the sin, whereas God forgives his sin.

Here are few examples taken from the Scriptures,

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What We Believe

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Fundamental Truth

That the Bible (66 books) is the inspired and infallible Word of God, the sole and sufficient guide for our life on earth.

That there is one God eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His humanity, His perfectly sinless life, His substitutionary death as an atonement for our sins, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the Father, and His personal return to the earth for His saints.
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About Bro. David Samuel

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Our Ministry

Bro David Samuel is the founder of The Voice of God Christian Media, who resides in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India. He was born in a Christian family, he is the elder son of Mr. David and Janaki Elizabeth, on 23rd November1953 at Thiruppoonthuruthi village near by Thiruvaiyaru ,Tanjore  District. Mr. David was teachers and  a catechist in Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church and served the Lord till his end of the Life. He inculcated discipline and leadership qualities from his parents. God choose David Samuel at the age of sixteen and start to write and sings songs in his Holy Ministries.

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Ratchagarin Geethangal

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Our Ministry

Our ministry has developed three albums with thirty songs. Our album names are:

  1.  Ratchagarin Ratchippin Geethangal Volume -1
  2.  Ratchagarin Ratchippin Geethangal Volume -2 Part -1
  3. Ratchagarin Ratchippin Geethangal Volume -2 Part -2

You can freely download all of  our songs from this website, if you like our songs,  you may donate us to improve our ministry. The songs which are given to download are for demo puposes, so kindy buy our CD’s to get songs in best quality.