Author: Voice Of God Ministry

Dear Beloved brothers and Sister in Christ!

Thanks for your visits May the God bless you and your family for ever!

Pray for the needs of the construction. The estimated cost for the church building is 10 lakhs and for produce one VCD around 1.5 lakhs /each .We have many hundreds of songs with hand given by God to be up-dated which we are willing to give FREE DOWN LOAD through our WEB SITE absolutely free of cost to praise the Lord .Pray for our ministries and for the fund development to our Lord ministries.

As your part you can support with your full heart cheerfully

Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say,

“They share freely and give generously to the poor.

Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous.

And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. So two good things will result from this ministry of giving—the needs of the believers in Jerusalem[f] will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God.

As a result of your ministry, they will give glory to God. For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ. And they will pray for you with deep affection because of the overflowing grace God has given to you. Thank God for this gift] too wonderful for words! (2 Corinthians 9-6-15)

If one really lovesJesus then how can he escape from telling Gospel?If you don’t gain even one person for Jesus with in three sixty five days how can you enter joyfully in to the kingdom of God? Don’t you care for even one person in the whole world? It proves that we are not truein the little things. Always encourage others and motivate them towards Jesus.

It is not the option but, it is the proof of your love on Jesus who laid his life in cross for you. Start immediately, God will appreciate your good beginning action and surely lead you throughout.And so you can give to support this ministry, we ask them to go through this checklist first:

1. Are you a born-again child of God? It is a great honor and privilege to support the work of God on earth; but that privilege is given only to His born-again children (3 John 7).

2. Do you have enough money for your family’s needs? Are you sure that your giving will not put your family under any financial strain? You must take care of your family’s needs first (1 Tim.5:8). Our Father in heaven is very rich and He (like any rich earthly father) does not want any of His children to starve or suffer in any way, just because they gave Him money for His work.

3. Do you have any large debts to repay? If so, do clear those debts first. God wants His children to live restful lives, free from all debt. We must first give to Caesar what is his, before we can give anything to God, because God does not want us to give Him Caesar’s money, or anyone else’s money (Matt.22:21; Rom.13:8).

4. Do you have a clear conscience? Have you done your best to be reconciled with those whom you have hurt in any way? God will not accept any offering from anyone who has hurt someone and still not apologised to that person (Matt.5:23, 24)

5. Are you giving freely and cheerfully – and not under pressure from any man or even from your own conscience? God loves cheerful givers, not reluctant givers. He does not want gifts from those who give under pressure, or who give in order to fulfil some obligation, or who give merely to ease their conscience, or who give in order to get some reward from Him in return (2 Cor.9:7).

Please bear with us as you go through this checklist. We are seeking to follow the example and teaching of our Lord Jesus in financial matters.
Giving to The voice of God ministries after having carefully considered the above, if you still feel you should support this ministry, you can contribute in one of the ways

Contribute/ Donation

You can send your contribution direct to our bank DD or Cheque

Our Bank Account Details
Current Account N0: 156205000300
73/H .Subramaiapuram: Ii nd -Street
Post office building.Tiruchy-620013


Cell: 91 9442502949
Phone: 91 0431 -2510949, & 2512949


NAME: D.S.Thangasamy,
Account Number: 30206707706
BANK: State Bank of India (252064)
IFSC Code: SBIN0006845,
Kamarajapuram BHEL Township,
Trichy, India.


NOTE:- DD or Cheque in favour of
Address to be sent
Bro. David Samuel
TIRUCHY 620013