How to win the Battle with the fellowship of God

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Leadership

In Chronicles Jehoshaphat says The Battle is Not Yours, But God’s.Sometimes, if we are to succeed and win victory, the Lord has to be the One to fight the battle. This is the way it must be to win the victory over sins. Only through what God has done can we win the victory. Read more…

Simplicity of New covenant

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Messages

And God’s high favour for the new Covenant people…
In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was Go. John 1.1. For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God is near to the Father’s heart. Read more…

Suffering faced by the servant of God

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Messages

In this universe every person and all the creation suffer for various reasonswith murmuring. But,in the life of a servant of God, although he face a lot of suffering, henever complaint to others on the same. One loving husband never ever complaints to anybody about his wife. Read more…

Remain in Jesus love

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Fundamental Truth

Remain in Jesus love

Together in the Body of Christ!

Receive Various Crowns in eternity …!

If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward.1 Corinthians 3:14. The builder is who build the Body of Christ. Each and every one part of the body is have equal in responsibility and  to be respected another one. If the body is separated part by part then it is not a living body but, non-living dead body’s part which make pollution, increase the hygienic problem in that area and create many diseases. When separate from the body of Christ is separate from Christ! Read more…

Whose is the kingdom of God? – For those who are Poor in spirit

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Messages


Blessing is the gift for your relationship with God.

In the Bible, a blessing is depicted as a mark of God’s relationship with a person or nation. When a person or group is blessed, it is a sign of God’s grace upon them and perhaps even presence among them. To be blessed means that a person or people take part in God’s plans for the world and humanity. Read more…

Witness is the root of our faith which prove our love in God

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Messages

I don’t want to preach anything new from my head. I know very well it will be of no help, this will not glorify our God. So here, I submit myself to my Lord and I want to share with you by which I have encouraged and bless by the Holy Spirit. Burning lamp can help other lamp to burn.

Read more…

The three basic qualifications to receivethe crown of righteousness

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Messages
  1.  Have fought the good fight.
  2.  Have finished your race
  3.  Have kept the faith.

Dear Beloved Brother and Sister in Christ!

Greetings in the sweet name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Paul words about toPreach

Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favourable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.2 Timothy 4.2 But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you..2. Timothy 4. Read more…

Secrets of Faith – the root of Expectation, which leads us to the Kingdom of God. Part2

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Messages



This is the continuation of part-1……

Dear beloved Brother and sister in Christ.

Shall we analyse very few people from the scripture how they were strong in faith in God and moved with God with positive expectation and did the great things by the grace of Lord. Read more…

Secrets of Faith – the root of Expectation, which leads us to the Kingdom of God.

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Messages


The primary step of faith is expecting from God. So far in this universe no one got failure on their expectation from the God as per his will. The every step of successes of the Christian life is based on his true faith on Jesus. Read more…

Recent Feedbacks From The Visitors

Author: Voice Of God Ministry  //  Category: Messages


1 Submitted on 2012/11/12 at 10:10 am

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